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With regards to childbirth in the US, we have received many calls from US visa applicants that theirUS visa renewal applications were denied and they want to know how we can help them. So, here is what you need to know so you don’t get into this situation.
There are two main scenarios; the first is;applicants who apply for a US visa for the purpose of giving birth in the US but lie during the interview. Their response to the questions – Are you pregnant? Do you intend to give birth in the US? Is NO.
The second scenario is; applicants who do not pay for all their medical treatment in the US, but resort to the US medical insurance (MEDICAID).
It is very important to note that, contrary to the thoughts of many, the US embassy in your home country knows when you give birth in the US. They are that good with synchronizing the data of all applicants. So, if you don’t want your renewal application rejected, the one thing you should never do while applying for the initial visa is LIE to them that you don’t intend to give birth in the US while you actually intend to. Too many people either due to sheer ignorance or anxiety respond as NO, hoping that it will increase their chances of getting the US visa. The truth is, it somehow does. BUT, having your baby in the US is not ILLEGAL, yes! It isn’t. They just don’t want you resorting to public/government funds.
So, if you tell them No and get the visa, fly to the US and give birth less than nine months after issue date; they will know! Believe it or not. During your renewal application process, expect a call from the embassy inviting you for an interview. After a couple of questions and revelations, what do you think will be the verdict? You guessed right, you’re denied.
Words from such applicants are ‘had I known’; ‘I wish I had met you (USA Childbirth Concierge) before applying’. If you have any experience like this or know someone who has, kindly share the summary in the comment tab below so others can learn.
Also, if you don’t pay your bills, because some smart friend or family member who lives in the US, tells you that you can use the US insurance popularly called the MEDICAID and get free/almost free medical care. You can choose to defraud the government and get them to pay for your healthcare but guess what? You can’t get away with it, except you don’t intend to go back to the US ever again or at least, after 10 years. Getting a US visa after such is almost impossible.
In summary, my friends and expectant moms, if you are pregnant at the time of your visa application and you intend having your baby in the US. First, contact an OB/GYN (we can help you get an affordable Obstetrician and Maternity Hospital), pay them, get a Letter of Acceptance and receipt of payment. Go for the Visa interview, if asked the ultimate question say ‘Yes, I do. I’ve contacted a Doctor and Hospital, made payments to the doctor, here’s my Letter of Acceptance’.
Lastly, if you believe in the Divine; Go with God’s favour!!
Please share this, someone needs it right now.
If you are an expectant mother looking to give birth in the USA, why not try USA childbirth concierge today. Click Here To Get More Info.http://usachildbirth.com.
For genuine Visa Application assistance, also visit http://www.palsvisaconsult.com/
Or reach us visa;(serious inquirers only)
Call: 0907 1170 532
WhatsApp/Call: 08098162955
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