Would You Go For Va Gina Steaming? Women, Ladies Share Their Experience

Va gina steaming or V-steaming is a cleaning process that involves sitting over steaming water and letting the steam go directly into one’s va gina. According to the American Cancer Society, V- steaming helps to treat stomach and intestinal disorders, including cramps, for menopausal and menstrual complaints, along with infertility.

Some women who shared their experience with Green news.ng claimed that this process is helpful and they find it useful in putting their body, most especially their va gina, back to ‘shape’ after many child birth while few who dread the experience said its a no no.

Mrs Blessing Adebowale, a teacher noted that she is used to va gina steaming after child birth. ”If you steam your va gina after putting to bed, the remaining thick, black blood will come out easily.’’

Speaking about how she does it, she said, ”I will boil water, pour it in a potty, add disinfectants, plenty salt and sit on it for like 15-20 minutes with the steam directly entering my va gina’.

”We all know that passing out blood and clots are normal after you have given birth, especially in the first few days, but when I steam, I feel relieved. It is somehow painful if you have perineal postpartum pain with tears in your perineum. Aside the discomfort, it makes that place heal faster and become tighter’’.

A 300 level female, student, Chioma said va gina steaming helps to ease her menstrual cramps. She said, “Anytime I want my period to run faster than the usual 5 days because of the pains that come with my monthly menses, I do vagina steaming.’’

For Mrs Kemisola Adetutu, a trader, she said V-steaming helps to remove all the bad blood that are hidden in her uterus few days after childbirth. If you want everywhere to be clean after you have given birth, sit on hot water mixed with salt, you will feel that thick blood coming out easily’’.

Mrs. Ayoola, a mother of five children said va gina steaming helps to speed up va gina healing and tone the reproductive system after birth. Her style, “when I get back from the hospital, I have my big potty in the bathroom. I will add hot water, salt, and black soap, then sit on it for like 15 minutes morning and night.

‘’I noticed that I get a kind of relief and also see clot coming out. I don’t think it dangerous because I have been using this since I gave birth to my first child.’’

For Miss Funke Smith a graduate of Lead City University, Ibadan, va gina steaming is an impossible task. She said, “I have heard about it but I can never try it. I am sure it is going to be very painful and might even have health hazards. Douching is just enough to clean the va gina.”

However, some health experts stated that women should not do V-steam, if they have extremely heavy menstrual cycles, va ginal infection, open wounds, sores, blisters, or pregnancy.

They also listed few dangers of V-steaming unknown to many women:

1) It may lead to burn and irritation: The va gina can be burned while steaming. It may lead to serious health issues if the lining between the bladder and rectum are touched.

2) It destroys Va gina’s  ‘Good Bacteria’: It can disrupt the hormonal balance and the natural bacteria ‘down there’. For cleaning, use only water and mild soap.

3) Without the presence of enough good bacteria, embarrassing and uncomfortable infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) or thrush can occur.

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