Word For Today - Dont Skip The STAIRS....

As a lad, it always made me laugh seeing elderly people climb the stairs, they always took it ONE STEP AT A TIME, while holding the rail.

And as a youngie, I was impatient and  usually restless when I had to go through due process! Thus, when I climbed the stairs, I awlays skipped two steps ahead to get to the top quickly. I did this consistently till the day I fell, then did I realise the benefits of due process. Every step is important.

Psalm 37:23 says; the steps of a good man is ordered by the Lord. The word 'steps' here refers to process! God respects process (steps).

God could have created everything in the snap of a finger, yet He chose a six day process.

Get this, your blessing from God is guaranteed. Infact from the day you were born, your blessing was 'fix deposited' in heaven, but you won't just get it because you merely want it. You will get it when you need it, and have realised the reason why you need it, and are sure YOU CAN HANDLE IT. 

The prodigal son got his entitlement because he MERELY wanted it, and the outcome was tragic.

David got his kingship 12years after he was anointed 'king in waiting', and immediately he was enthroned, the Phillistine army attacked him, but he overcame because over time, he had been toughened enough for the throne.

 TOUGH TIMES DON'T HAPPEN TO YOU, THEY HAPPEN FOR YOU.  God wants to be sure you can handle the pressure that comes with being blessed.

Any blessing that is too quick, watch it, It is not a blessing at all.
God is never late, He will give you yours at the right time. Be Patient.

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