When a recession hits hard the weak and vulnerable suffer most.
Indeed it is not foolhardy to expect Nigeria to be in a recession when a certain ex-President's wife can park a paltry $34 Million in a Bank without investing her proceeds from torturing Nigerians with horrible English into the real sector of the economy.
This is just but a tip of the iceberg of the looted funds languishing away in domicillary accounts while the masses suffer untold hardship. One wonders what it will take to inject these looted finds into the economy before rust and moths devour its lustre.
Today it was announced that this year alone 350,000 oil workers have lost their jobs. All of a sudden marrying a man in oil and gas doesn't look so lucrative for spinsters of marriageable age as the certainty of their next pay check is obscured as their once touted job security has lept out of the window and into the river of prospective redundancies.
The only ones maintaining the pretence that all is well are the few CEOs who smile at the millions of Dollars they have in their accounts but their smiles will surely fade once their bank balance is scrutinised by their mounting debt profile and the wiles of AMACON which is on the prowl looking for whom to foreclose.
But in the midst of all this one should spare a thought for Nigerian Children who are faced with having their future stolen by our present folly. As school fees rise to meet the demands of a recession and increased price of petrol, parents are forced to withdraw their children from Private schools in favour of the once bastardised public schools.
As more men lie idle in the house there will be a rise in those who will become the devil's workshop. The rise in rape of underaged Children is a direct result of the recession.
Children whose parents couldn't afford to feed them during the holidays were handed over to a so called Pastor in Lagos who took the opportunity of the free fresh meat under his roof to allegedly rape and molest these children even impregnating some culminating in multiple abortions. Once again the almighty recession exposes the vulnerability of the nation's children.
Today another so called Man of God was caught and exposed as the kingpin behind a child trafficking ring which bought babies from single mothers or impoverished couples for a mere N3,500 for onward sale to childless couples, ritualists ans bandits for a princely sum of N400,000 to N500,000.
These kind of dastardly acts pales in comparison to the Ethiopian Styled Famine in the North as parents exchange their children for the new fool's gold called bags of rice while children die enmasse of starvation and disease in the IDP camps.
One wonders what future Nigeria is building for itself when it casts its children away in such a manner that is inhumane and demonic?
Hence to protect one's child from the lurking rapist or the rampaging kidnapper is now paramount. It is not expedient to send a child unaccompanied on an errant outside the home in these trying times. The country is just too dangerous for their innocent trusting minds.
Spend more time with your children at home and supervise their learning especially if one must withdraw them from one school to a less expensive one. Teach them the difference between needs and wants so as to overcome the sporadic tantrums over things one's income cannot indulge in at the moment.
Take them out to parks and public recreational areas where they can have space to run around and indulge their childhood pleasures without one paying an arm or a leg for such excesses.
Make sacrifices fpr them. As an adult one has stopped growing hence one wonders why the most choiced piece of meat is reserved for the head of the house while the growing child must make do with cracking the left over bone.
No, share you big piece of meat with your child. Teach them the beauty of sharing for the danger of losing family values in the midst of a recession is real.
Even though Buhari has failed to keep his promise of school meals and an egg a day one should still try to keep one's promise to one's children.
Children never forget a promise and can spend a life time waiting for its fulfilment. Don't subject these young minds to this torture lest they grow up to be like Michael Jackson who woke up in adulthood to say he is looking for his childhood.
The recession lasts but a while but children are the enduring legacy of our time on earth.
Lesson; Protect the Children.
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