As the recession bites harder one must shed a tear for Nigerians. When a man who promised change says there will be no change then he is indeed giving ammunition to Nigerians to conclude that he is not the man for the job.
If change does not happen overnight then how come the price of rice trebled overnight? And how come the Government has deemed it fit to demolish people's places of business that they spent years to build overnight in a fit of madness?
Is this the best way to cope with a recession by sending out an armada of bulldozers to do major damage on the remaining small business that are barely surviving? Seems the 4.8 Million jobs lost in 6months is not bothering the powers that be hence they want to enlarge the unemployment market to sooth their thirst for overnight negative change.
The 500,000 jobs promised only exists on the empower website. Even the much advertised Police recruitment is going through the paces like a snail doing push ups. Indeed it is easier to make promises than fulfill them. It is easier to destroy than build.
Thus one can conclude that this regime has no plan to redeem Nigerians from the clutches of a dire recession that they midwifed from its infancy. Uptil now steps to bring the economy back to growth exists only on the drawing board with no practical application.
But alas Nigerians must survive. Hence instead of lying in the house contemplating suicide or wallowing in self pity it is time to arise with purpose.
Since street hawking is outlawed in most cities and bulldozers are now devouring the few remaining outlets in competition with AMACON and FIRS for who can shut down more businesses before the year ends, the need to learn lesson 4 of the recession is imperative.
Work from home.
For example a Juice outlet that was demolished now offers home delivery service. Dry cleaners now pick up clothes from offices. And now with the rise of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles better know as drones even small items can be delivered to remote locations easily and cheaply.
Office space is now at a premium and the cost of transportation prohibitive. Working from home is now the way forward. Offering home delivery service is now the future of business.
As the positive change promised is delayed or non-existent we have no choice but to adapt as the recession bites harder.
Work from home. A viable option as Buharinomics renders millions of Nigerians jobless.

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